Donation François Ditesheim
Donation François Ditesheim

Donation François Ditesheim

exhibition extended until 6 August

In 1972, François Ditesheim opened his art gallery in Neuchâtel. Fifty years on, both are still going from strength to strength. To celebrate this milestone and to honour his deep ties to the city, Mr Ditesheim has gifted the Museum of Art and History Neuchâtel a major collection of paintings and drawings by 21 nationally and internationally acclaimed artists.  

Donation François Ditesheim

from 19.11.2022

to 06.08.2023

The Museum has created a special temporary exhibition to share this generous gift with the public. It reflects the eclectic mix of artistic idioms, techniques and styles of the Ditesheim collection and focuses primarily on the Gallery’s leading artists, including Geneviève Asse, Miklos Bokor, Rolf Iseli, Zoran Music, Irving Petlin, and Raymond l'Epée, whose works bear witness to the particularly intense and dramatic latter half of the 20th century.

The works also trace how the preferences, sensibilities and fruitful interactions of the gallery owner, passionate art lover, and citizen of the world have evolved over time.



Donation François Ditesheim

from 19.11.2022

to 06.08.2023