The Museum

Informations pratiques

Museum of art and history

Opening hours

Tuesdays to Sundays from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm  

The Museum is also open on these special days:

21 April 2025 (Easter Monday)
8 June 2025 (Whit Monday)
22 September 2025 (Fasting Monday) 

The Museum is also closed on these special days:

27 & 28 September 2025
24 and 25 December 2025 (Christmas Eve/Christmas Day)
31 December 2025 (New Year's Eve)
1st January 2026


Price of admission

CHF 12.00 / CHF 8.00 Residents / CHF 4.00 for students, AVS (social insurance cardholders), unemployed, military, groups of 10 or more people, Museum Tuesdays. CHF 4.00 for groups of students from universities and other higher education institutions outside the canton of Neuchâtel. CHF 4.- CarteCulture (Caritas), Neuchâtelroule

Free entry: persons aged up to 16, holders of the Neuchâtel museums card (CHF 40.00 per year / CHF 20.00 for students, AVS, unemployed), Cultural GA, Raiffeisen card, 20 years CHF 100, Neuchâtel Tourist Card

Free admission: residents of twinned towns: Besançon, Aarau, Sansepolcro and residents of member towns of Neuchâtel du monde

Free admission: Groups of pupils, students, apprentices, participants in integration and continuing education programmes in the canton of Neuchâtel. Accompanyings (including preparatory visits)

Free admission: Companions for people with disabilities

Guided tour by a Museum employee: CHF 150.-
1 guide for a maximum of 25 people (booking required) The entrance fee is not included in the cost of the tour.

Free admission on Wednesdays


Combi offers with public transport discount
SBB RailAway combination offer

If you travel to us by public transport, you benefit from a reduction on the return journey and admission. The RailAway combination offer is available at all staffed railway counters, from Rail Service on 0848 44 66 88 (CHF 0.08/min.) or online at


Jaquet Droz Automata 

CHF 120.00 for groups of up to 10 people      
CHF 10.00 per person for the 11th and each additional person 
CHF 70.00 for interpreting (German or English)

Special sessions for schools

CHF 60.00 is the inclusive price for schools of all levels from all locations 

Guided tours with commentary

CHF 120.00 for a guided tour with commentary by a curator or assistant curator, on request


Atelier des musées

Guided tours, duration 1 hour for groups of 25 people:

Schools in the city of Neuchâtel: 75 CHF

Other schools: 85 CHF

Non-school groups: 100 CHF

Complete information on this page.


The historical galleries

Av. DuPeyrou 7 
(courtyard of the Hôtel DuPeyrou) 
Telephone: +41 (0)32 717 79 25 (general information) 
Telephone: +41 (0)32 717 79 20 (secretarial team)  

Opening hours

See the City Archives website for more information

Price of admission

Free of charge


Special enquiries

For all information about opening times and days, and special visits (Jaquet-Droz automata, historical models, concerts or Museum Tuesdays), please call our reception on +41 (0)32 717 79 25, between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm (except on Mondays).

A multi-disciplinary approach

The Museum is a place where people can enjoy beauty and pause to reflect: it combines visual pleasure with a desire to gain a deeper knowledge of the world around us. This is why it adopts a multidisciplinary approach to its core activities: managing the collections, designing exhibitions, and outreach. Driven by its commitment to make the most of its heritage, the MahN also prompts visitors to question their own relationships with culture, ideas and the objects that surround them.


A museum that is open to the world

The MahN is committed to serving the general public, and it aims to be accessible to everyone. This is why cultural outreach is a key feature, with guided tours, workshops for adults and children, concerts and many other unique events. The MahN also develops and fosters partnerships with figures in the cultural world and scientific institutions – in the local region and beyond – to shed new light on its activities and integrate new issues into its scope.